
The Inter-Relation Of Brokerage & Investment Segments

Does your profit depend entirely on the difference between your buying and selling price? Often, investors and traders are highly under the presumption that the profits displayed on their investing app are the net gains they would receive post selling their investments. Ultimately, they are greeted with disappointment and astonishment as their gains are quite lower than what was displayed. While government taxes is another story that takes away a percentage of your profits if it is sold within a year, the unexpected curtain is drawn by what is missed by many; brokerage charges.

With growing awareness, investors and traders now choose their stock market app by comparing several aspects, the most prominent one being brokerage. However, several new traders and investors entering the market and yearning to invest in different investment segments, such as forex trading, mutual funds, etc, fail to analyze the brokerage. Consequently, as the frequency of their trades and investments increase in number, they realize the threat posed by higher brokerage fees by their preferred trading application.

The Affect Of High & Low Brokerage Fees

Investing in stocks has been easier attributing to the advancement of technology and digitalization. However, with the convenience and services offered by these platforms, there are several charges and brokerage fees that are charged. The plain outlook that many investors and traders have is to disregard the charges of brokerage in front of the gains that they might receive. However, upon dwelling on the statements, they comprehend the differences in their profits on account of their brokerage fees. The pointers revolving around high and low brokerage fees are as follows.

  1. The Break-Even Point

Every trading online app offers several trading controls, such as stop loss, buying limit, target, etc. Professional and safe-playing traders prefer buying their investments through a set price based on their technical analysis and research. However, to their utter surprise post-buying, the buying price or the break-even point surges higher than their actual limit price. The former instance is a consequence of having higher brokerage fees which increase the break-even point for investors and traders, thereby eating away a part of their profit.

  1. Mutual Funds Discouragements

The yields generated from mutual funds investments depend highly on the brokerage charged on the investment capital. A high brokerage would reduce the overall returns derived by an investor after years of investment. Additionally, several small-time investors who perceive mutual funds as a safe option are discouraged from entering the domain due to higher brokerage fees. On the other hand, lower brokerage fees give a strong projection of returns to investors and only encourage them to invest their funds and acquire bigger yields.

  1. Diversification

Every investor desires to be a jack of all investment segments. Making a profit in one component becomes a ticket to try their hands on the other investment categories. However, with a low brokerage fee in different investment segments, individuals would be more inclined to invest and gain more returns.


The optimal solution is to compare trading platforms that offer little to no brokerage fees on equity and other widely-opted investment instruments. A lower brokerage would maximize your profit and stir the willingness to diversify your portfolio by funneling your capital into different segments.