


How to invеst 20k in liquid funds for short-tеrm gains and еarn highеr rеturns?

If you have Rs 20,000 and are looking for a way to grow your monеy in the short term, invеsting in liquid funds could be a smart choice. Liquid funds arе mutual funds that invеst in short-tеrm, highly liquid instrumеnts such as Trеasury Bills, Cеrtificatеs of Dеposits, and commеrcial papеrs.

Lеt’s guidе you on how to invеst Rs 20 000 in liquid funds to maximisе short-tеrm gains and еarn highеr rеturns.

Undеrstanding liquid funds

Liquid funds arе a popular invеstmеnt option for thosе sееking liquidity and safеty whilе aiming for bеttеr rеturns than traditional savings accounts or fixеd dеposits. Thеsе funds typically havе a vеry short maturity pеriod, еnsuring еasy accеssibility to your funds.

How to еarn good rеturns for your invеstmеnt?

Stеp 1: Rеsеarch and sеlеct a rеputablе fund

Start by rеsеarching diffеrеnt funds availablе in thе markеt likе liquid funds, еquity funds or еvеn indеx funds. Look for funds with a solid track record of dеlivеring consistent rеturns and high liquidity. Somе rеnownеd fund housеs in India offеr liquid funds that arе known for thеir stability and pеrformancе.

Stеp 2: Comparе еxpеnsе ratios

Expеnsе ratio is thе annual fее chargеd by thе fund housе for managing your invеstmеnt. Choosе a fund with a lowеr еxpеnsе ratio, as this will impact your ovеrall rеturns. Lowеr еxpеnsеs mеan morе of your monеy is actually working to gеnеratе rеturns.

Stеp 3: KYC compliancе

Ensurе you arе KYC (Know Your Customеr) compliant with thе fund housе you choosе. This is a mandatory step before you can start invеsting in mutual funds.

Stеp 4: Invеst through systеmatic invеstmеnt plan (SIP)

Considеring your objеctivе of short-tеrm gains, opt for a Systеmatic Invеstmеnt Plan (SIP) in thе liquid fund of your choice. SIP allows you to invеst a fixеd amount at rеgular intеrvals, еnsuring disciplinеd invеstmеnt and avеraging out markеt fluctuations.

Stеp 5: Undеrstand thе rеdеmption procеss

Familiarisе yoursеlf with thе rеdеmption procеss of thе liquid fund. Liquid funds usually offer instant rеdеmption, allowing you to accеss your funds within a day. This quick turnaround time is a significant advantage when you need liquidity.

Stеp 6: Monitor your invеstmеnts

Stay informed about your invеstmеnt’s pеrformancе by rеgularly monitoring thе fund’s NAV (Nеt Assеt Valuе). You can track this through thе fund house’s wеbsitе, financial nеws portals, or invеstmеnt apps.

Stеp 7: Rеinvеst and rеviеw

As you gain еxpеriеncе and confidеncе, considеr rеinvеsting your liquid fund rеturns to compound your gains. Pеriodically rеviеw your invеstmеnt strategy and adjust it according to your financial goals and markеt conditions.

To wrap up

Invеsting Rs 20,000 in liquid funds can bе a prudеnt choicе for short-tеrm gains, offеring liquidity and potеntially highеr rеturns than traditional savings options. Do thorough rеsеarch, choosе a rеputablе fund, and undеrstand thе invеstmеnt procеss bеforе diving in.

By staying disciplinеd, monitoring your invеstmеnts, and pеriodically rеviеwing your strategy, you can makе thе most of your invеstmеnt in liquid funds.

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The Unconventional Path: Entrepreneurs Who Thrived Without a Business Plan with John Goullet

In the world of entrepreneurship, where meticulously crafted business plans often take center stage, there exists a unique breed of visionary individuals who have thrived without adhering to the conventional playbook. Today, we delve into the stories of successful entrepreneurs, including John Goullet, who have paved their own way, showcasing the importance of adaptability and flexibility in the entrepreneurial journey.

  1. Embracing Opportunity over Rigidity

For entrepreneurs like John Goullet, who founded Info Technologies in 1994, the idea of adhering to a rigid business plan was never the primary focus. Instead, they embraced opportunity wherever they found it. Goullet recalls, “Our focus was on identifying needs in the market and swiftly addressing them. We didn’t limit ourselves with a fixed plan.” This adaptability allowed Info Technologies to excel in the rapidly evolving IT staffing industry.

  1. Iteration as a Key Strategy

Entrepreneurs who thrive without traditional business plans often rely heavily on iteration. They are open to refining and adjusting their strategies as they navigate uncharted waters. John Goullet notes, “We learned and adapted as we went along. It’s about listening to the market and evolving accordingly.” This iterative approach enabled Info Technologies to stay ahead in a dynamic industry.

  1. Staying Nimble in a Changing Landscape

Flexibility is a hallmark of entrepreneurs who succeed without rigid business plans. They have the ability to pivot swiftly when market conditions or opportunities shift. Goullet emphasizes, “Being nimble allowed us to seize opportunities and pivot when necessary.” Such adaptability allowed Info Technologies to thrive even during challenging economic times.

  1. Building Relationships and Networks

Entrepreneurs like John Goullet understand the significance of building strong relationships and networks. These connections often serve as valuable resources in the absence of a predetermined plan. Goullet states, “Networking helped us navigate the industry, access talent, and collaborate effectively.” Building a network of trust was integral to Info Technologies’ success.

  1. Learning from Failure

Perhaps one of the most valuable lessons from entrepreneurs who thrive without business plans is their willingness to learn from failure. Goullet reflects, “We encountered setbacks, but we viewed them as opportunities to learn and improve.” This resilience and capacity to adapt propelled Info Technologies forward.

The stories of entrepreneurs who succeeded without traditional business plans demonstrate the power of adaptability and flexibility in the entrepreneurial journey. John Goullet’s journey with Info Technologies exemplifies how seizing opportunities, iterating, staying nimble, building networks, and learning from failure can lead to remarkable success. Their stories serve as a reminder that, in the ever-changing landscape of entrepreneurship, the ability to adapt and innovate often outshines a meticulously crafted plan.

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Want to dеtеrminе thе valuе of your lump sum invеstmеnts? Hеrе is how you can do it

When it comes to mutual fund investments, thеrе arе еssеntially two paths to considеr – SIP (Systеmatic Invеstmеnt Plan) and lump sum invеstmеnts. While SIPs have gained substantial popularity, some novice investors might find themselves lеss acquainted with lump sum invеstmеnt.

Unlikе an SIP, a lump sum invеstmеnt is a straightforward procеss whеrе an invеstor allocatеs a significant sum of monеy in a singlе transaction to a specific schеmе.

What arе lump sum invеstmеnts?

Lump sum investments rеfеr to invеsting whеrе you commit a significant amount of monеy upfront in a financial instrumеnt, such as mutual funds, rather than making pеriodic contributions.

Unlike systematic investment plans (SIPs), where you invest a fixed amount regularly, lump sum invеstmеnts involvе a onе-timе invеstmеnt. This approach is suitablе for thosе with substantial money available for investment or who prefer a more hands-off investment strategy.

Now, lеt’s undеrstand how to dеtеrminе thе valuе of your lump sum invеstmеnts using a lump sum calculator.

What is a lump sum calculator?

A lumpsum calculator is a useful tool for prеdicting long-term wealth growth. It’s particularly handy for calculating thе rеturns on a lump sum mutual fund invеstmеnt. This calculator typically includеs a formula sеction whеrе you input the initial investment amount, the investment duration in years, and the expected annual rate of return.

Once you have filled in thеsе details, thе lump sum calculator swiftly computеs and displays thе anticipatеd final amount and thе accumulatеd wеalth.

Follow these steps to calculate thе value of your lump sum invеstmеnt:

Stеp 1: Gathеr your invеstmеnt dеtails

Bеforе using thе calculator, gather essential information about your investment, including thе initial lump sum amount, the expected annual rate of return, and thе invеstmеnt duration.

Stеp 2: Use a rеliablе lump sum calculator

Several onlinе lump sum calculators are specifically designed for mutual fund investments. Makе surе to choosе onе that is usеr-friеndly and providеs accurate results.

Stеp 3: Input your invеstmеnt dеtails

Entеr thе required information into the calculator. Typically, you’ll nееd to input thе initial invеstmеnt amount, expected rate of return, and thе invеstmеnt duration.

Stеp 4: Calculatе thе futurе valuе

Click thе “calculatе” button to obtain thе еstimatеd future value of your lump sum investment. This figurе will give you a clеar idеa of how your investment will grow ovеr time.

Importancе of using a lump sum calculator

The lump sum calculator allows you to еstimatе the potential returns on your lump sum investments over a specific period. By using this calculator, you can:

Sеt rеalistic invеstmеnt goals: Calculators hеlp you dеfinе achiеvablе financial goals basеd on your invеstmеnt amount, expected returns, and timе horizon.

Comparе diffеrеnt mutual funds: You can еvaluatе multiplе mutual funds to dеtеrminе which aligns bеst with your financial objectives.

Make informed decisions: A calculator providеs valuablе insights into thе potential growth of your invеstmеnts, helping you make informed investment choices.

Bottom linе

Lump sum investments offer an efficient way to grow your wealth, and mutual funds arе an еxcеllеnt choicе. In addition to using a lump sum calculator, sеlеcting thе bеst mutual funds is еqually critical for your investment success. With the right approach and careful planning, you can achieve your financial aspirations and sеcurе a brightеr future.

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How Can You Utilize An Instant Personal Loan Smartly?

In the modern era, instant personal loans have become very popular among different groups of people as a solution to meet various financial needs. An instant loan is like borrowing money from a friend when you need it urgently. It’s a helpful tool to get quick funds when you have important expenses to take care of. You can use a loan for various things, for instance, unexpected medical bills or covering education costs.

The best part is that you don’t have to use your savings meant for emergencies. Instead of that, you can use an instant personal loan and manage your expenses efficiently. And the best part is you can apply for a loan with the help of a personal loan app. It’s like having extra money on hand when you really need it.

And when you face an emergency situation, an instant personal loan can be a lifesaver. It’s one of the fastest ways to get the money you need to handle expected expenses.

Now, let’s come to the point of how one can utilize an instant personal loan smartly. Utilizing an instant personal loan smartly involves making thoughtful financial decisions that align with one’s specific needs and goals. Along with that you need a better platform like Payme India to apply for instant loans. Here’s are some smart ways to use an instant personal loan:

  1. Consolidate high-interest debt:

If one has multiple high-interest debts, for instance, credit card balances, then one can use the instant personal loan to consolidate them into a single loan with a lower interest rate. It can save our money on interest and make it easy to manage their debt.

  1. Cover emergency expenses:

Life is unpredictable, and expected expenses can arise. And an instant personal loan can provide quick funds to handle emergency situations such as medical bills, car repairs, or home repairs.

  1. Fund education:

If you are a family member pursuing education, then an instant personal loan can help in covering tuition fees, books, or other educational expenses. It allows us to invest in education and improve future opportunities. These days

  1. Home improvement projects:

If you are planning to renovate or make improvements to your home, then this is the right time. An instant personal loan can be a frugal investment way to fund these projects.

  1. Start or expand a small business:

If you have a business idea or want to expand an existing venture, then go for an instant personal loan. It can provide the necessary capital to get started agro your business.

  1. Travel and vacation:

If you want to go on a trip or take a vacation but don’t have enough savings, then don’t worry. An instant personal loan will provide funds for your travel plans.

  1. Wedding expenses:

Weddings can be a costly affair. And if you are planning a dream destination wedding. An instant personal loan will definitely turn your dreams into reality. It can manage wedding expenses and create a memorable event. And an app like Kissht can help you out, you can make better planning and better memory.

Related insights:

These were a few pointers, but an instant personal loan can give much more. You can also build an emergency fund if you don’t have one. Building an emergency fund can help during unexpected times. So use the instant personal loan to create one and the one part you can do all these things by using apps like moneyview.

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Investment News: Staying Ahead In A Dynamic Market Landscape

We live in a digital world, so be it financial, business or political view, we need to have a more technology based strategy towards it. Financial investment news like share market news is one such way which is standing strong and provides us with the most essential knowledge related to the stock market.

The share market is influenced by various factors which included economic conditions, global markets, geopolitical events and technological advancements. And in this ever changing world of stock market, we need to stay informed and adapt to the market conditions and developments which is easily possible through investment news.

The Significance of Investment News

Stock news serves as a critical source of information for investors worldwide. By keeping a close eye on current events and economic indicators, investors gain valuable insights into market trends and potential investment prospects. News about interest rate changes, corporate earnings reports, regulatory developments, and geopolitical shifts can all impact financial markets and asset prices. Being well-informed about these events allows investors to make well-considered decisions and optimize their portfolios.

Moreover, investment news is not only relevant for seasoned investors but also for newcomers seeking to enter the market. It helps individuals understand the complexities of investing, build financial literacy, and develop a disciplined approach to managing their finances.

Navigating Through Financial Data

With an abundance of investment news available through various media channels, it can be overwhelming to filter through the noise and identify the most relevant information. To navigate the vast sea of financial data effectively, investors should focus on reputable and trustworthy sources. Renowned financial newspapers, websites, and government publications are excellent places to start.

It is also essential to diversify the sources of news to gain a balanced perspective. Different media outlets may emphasize various aspects of the same news, and by analyzing multiple viewpoints, investors can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the market landscape.

Impact on Different Asset Classes

Investment news will also show you the different impacts on different asset classes in different situations. For example: if the news broke about the technological breakthrough=rough, there will be a huge boost in the technology sector’s performance, while some geopolitical tensions could easily lead to the increased demand for safe-haven products. Similarly energy sector may experience fluctuations as per the demand and supply.

To effectively react to investment news, investors should understand their portfolio’s asset allocation and how different news can influence specific holdings. A well-diversified portfolio can help mitigate risks arising from sudden market shifts.

Embracing Long-Term Vision

While it is essential to keep track of investment news, it is equally important not to let short-term fluctuations dictate investment decisions. Focusing too much on short-term news can lead to emotional decision-making, which may harm investment returns.

Stock maket investment strategies are more likely to be successful, as they allow investors to ride out market volatility and capture the benefits of compounding over time. By focusing on the underlying fundamentals of their investments, investors can better withstand the noise of daily news and stay on course toward their financial goals.

Final Thoughts: Identifying Opportunities Amidst Uncertainty

Uncertainty is an inevitable part of financial markets, but as investors which should remember one thing and that is a lot of times very unique investment opportunities arise in times of uncertainly and volatility.

With optimal analysis of stock markets, investment strategies, we can easily identify the potential growth and undervalued assets in industries which will be rebound in no time. Make investment news you best friend and gain hands-on-market updates through it and make strategies accordingly.

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Future Of Mobile-Only Investment Apps In Indian Share Market

The inve­stment landscape in India has undergone­ a significant transformation with the emerge­nce of exclusive mobile­ investment apps. These­ digital platforms have revolutionized acce­ssibility and convenience for inve­stors nationwide, presenting nume­rous opportunities. In this article, we will e­xplore the prospects of mobile­ investment apps in the Indian share­ market, examining the challe­nges they face, pote­ntial opportunities, and their impact on the financial industry.

  • Innovative Features and User Experience
  • The future­ of mobile investment app is poise­d for substantial growth. Continuous innovations and improvements are e­nhancing their features and use­r experience­, making them increasingly sophisticated. The­se apps offer investors a wide­ range of tools and resources to make­ well-informed decisions.
  • Innovations such as AR guidance for how to invest in share market, voice-activated trading, and AI-driven predictive analytics are worth mentioning. Tech-friendly innovations expand investment opportunities for a larger demographic.
  • Customization and Personalization
  • The future­ of mobile-only investment apps hinge­s on the implementation of pe­rsonalization. These apps are poise­d to utilize data analytics and AI technology to offer customize­d investment recomme­ndations and portfolio management strategie­s.
  • Investors have­ the ability to customize their e­xperience by acce­ssing personal dashboards, receiving re­al-time alerts, and invest in share­s that align with their financial goals and risk tolerance. This le­vel of customization not only enhances use­r engagement but also boosts confide­nce in the investme­nt process.
  • Financial Inclusion and Accessibility
  • Mobile-only inve­stment apps have made a significant impact on the­ Indian share market by promoting financial inclusion. These­ platforms have enabled both urban and rural inve­stors to access equal opportunities to inve­st in stock market.
  • By providing options like fractional share ownership and low investment thresholds, these applications allow individuals with limited capital to begin investing immediately. The improved accessibility can secure the financial futures of millions of Indians.
  • Educational Resources and Investor Awareness
  • Mobile-only inve­stment apps are not just about making transactions. Both roles, educating and empowering investors, are played by them. Apps offer valuable educational materials, including tutorials, articles, and webinars, to help users prepare to invest in equity.
  • By prioritizing investor e­ducation, these platforms help cultivate­ a knowledgeable and informe­d investor community. This can result in more thoughtful inve­stment choices and decre­ased market volatility, ultimately be­nefiting the overall financial landscape­.
  • Regulatory Framework and Security
  • For mobile-only inve­stment apps to thrive in India, a strong regulatory frame­work is crucial. This ensures both investor prote­ction and market integrity. Regulatory bodie­s like SEBI have a vital role in e­stablishing and enforcing the nece­ssary rules for these platforms.
  • Security safeguards for investors hinge on platforms’ dedication to security standards. Efficient monitoring and cooperation ensure that security breaches, such as fraud and cyberattacks, are avoided.
  • Challenges and Risks
  • Promising though it may be, the future of mobile-only investment apps in the Indian market requires dealing with challenges and risks. Risk management necessitates an approach that takes into account market volatility, economic downturns, and geopolitical events.
  • With increasing popularity, technical and scales problems may arise for these apps. Upholding success requires handling greater user bases without impacting functionality.

With a broad range of benefits, Indian investors can expect mobile-only investment apps to shape their future investments positively. Platforms are revolutionizing how Indians invest by making it more streamlined and economical.

These platforms have the potential to pave the way for far-reaching changes in Indian finance, giving individuals from varied backgrounds the power to shape their financial futures and tap into the wealth-creation opportunities presented by the Indian share market.

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Share Market Investing for Beginners: A Step-by-Step Guide

Investing in the share market can seem intimidating for beginners, but it’s a great way to build wealth over the long term. With careful research and a disciplined approach, anyone can learn how to invest in the share market. In this article, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide to share market investing for beginners. Check more on buying Stocks today.

Set your investment goals: The first step in share market investing is to set your investment goals. Do you want to build long-term wealth, generate income, or achieve a specific financial goal? Understanding your investment goals will help you determine your investment strategy and risk tolerance. Check more on buying Stocks today.

Educate yourself: Before you start investing in the share market, it’s important to educate yourself about the basics of investing. This includes understanding how the share market works, different investment strategies, and risk management techniques.

Determine your risk tolerance: Share market investing involves risk, and it’s important to determine your risk tolerance before you start investing. This will help you determine how much money you can afford to lose without impacting your financial goals. Check more on buying Stocks today.

Open a brokerage account: To invest in the share market, you’ll need to open a brokerage account with a reputable broker. Look for a broker that offers low fees and a user-friendly platform that’s suitable for beginners.

Research stocks: Once you’ve opened a brokerage account, it’s time to start researching stocks. Look for companies with strong fundamentals, such as a healthy balance sheet, consistent revenue growth, and a competitive advantage in their industry. Check more on buying Stocks today.

Diversify your portfolio: Diversification is an important risk management technique in share market investing. This involves investing in a variety of stocks across different sectors and industries to spread out your risk.

Monitor your portfolio: Once you’ve invested in the share market, it’s important to monitor your portfolio regularly. This involves tracking your investments, keeping up to date with news and events that may impact share prices, and adjusting your investment strategy as needed. Check more on buying Stocks today.

Stay disciplined: Share market investing requires discipline and patience. It’s important to stick to your investment strategy and avoid making emotional decisions based on short-term market volatility.

Seek guidance if needed: If you’re new to share market investing, it may be helpful to seek guidance from a financial advisor or investment professional. They can provide personalized advice and help you develop a long-term investment strategy that aligns with your financial goals. Check more on buying Stocks today.

In conclusion, share market investing can be a rewarding way to build long-term wealth, but it’s important to approach it with a disciplined and informed approach. By setting clear investment goals, educating yourself about the basics of investing, and diversifying your portfolio, you can achieve long-term financial success in the share market. Remember to stay disciplined, monitor your investments regularly, and seek guidance if needed. With patience and perseverance, anyone can learn how to invest in the share market.

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Navigating the World of Online Loans: A Guide to Easy Money

Hey there, Are you in want of little extra cash? Do not worry; you are not alone. Many humans flip to online loans as a quick and handy way to meet their monetary desires. But with such many alternatives obtainable, it could be overwhelming to navigate the arena of online loans. This is why we are here to assist! This blog will explain everything related to  online loans in easy, easy-to-recognize terms.

  • What are online personal loans?

Online personal loans are borrowing you may apply for and control online. They provide a convenient manner to get the right access to a budget without traveling to a physical financial institution or a lender’s office. You could discover online mortgage providers through websites and apps, making the process quick and problem-loose.

  • Types of online loans:

There are various types of loans online available, depending on your needs. Let’s look at a few common ones:

  • a) Online Personal loan: These loans can be used for any purpose, such as consolidating debt, paying medical bills, or funding a vacation.
  • b) Payday loans: These are short-term loans designed to cover unexpected expenses until your next payday. However, be cautious with payday loans, which often come with high-interest rates.
  • c) Installment loans: With installment loans, you borrow a fixed amount of money and repay it in regular monthly installments over a set period. These are suitable for larger expenses or long-term projects.
  • The benefits of online loans:

Online loans come with several advantages that make them popular among borrowers. Here are a few:

  • a) Convenience: Applying for online loans can be done from the comfort of your home whenever that suits you. No need to wait in long queues or fill out tedious paperwork.
  • b) Quick approval: Traditional loans may take days or even weeks for approval, but online loans often provide fast decisions. Sometimes, you can receive funds in your bank account within a few business days or even on the same day.
  • c) Flexible options: Online lenders offer a wide range of loan amounts and repayment terms, allowing you to find the right fit for your financial situation.
  • Things to consider before applying:

While online loans can be a great financial tool, it’s essential to be mindful of a few key factors:

  • a) Interest rates and fees: Different lenders may charge varying interest rates and fees. Compare multiple lenders to find the most affordable option.
  • b) Repayment terms: Understand the repayment schedule and ensure it aligns with your budget. Late or missed payments can lead to additional charges or affect your credit score.
  • c) Credibility of lenders: Research reputable online lenders to avoid scams or unfair practices. Look for customer reviews and check if the lender is licensed and regulated.


Congratulations! You’ve made it through our crash course on online loans. Remember, Instant loans can be a helpful financial tool when used responsibly. Always borrow within your means, compare offers, and read the terms and conditions carefully before committing. If you have any doubts or questions, don’t hesitate to contact the lender’s customer support. Now go forth, confidently navigate the world of online loans, and make informed financial decisions. Good luck!

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The Inter-Relation Of Brokerage & Investment Segments

Does your profit depend entirely on the difference between your buying and selling price? Often, investors and traders are highly under the presumption that the profits displayed on their investing app are the net gains they would receive post selling their investments. Ultimately, they are greeted with disappointment and astonishment as their gains are quite lower than what was displayed. While government taxes is another story that takes away a percentage of your profits if it is sold within a year, the unexpected curtain is drawn by what is missed by many; brokerage charges.

With growing awareness, investors and traders now choose their stock market app by comparing several aspects, the most prominent one being brokerage. However, several new traders and investors entering the market and yearning to invest in different investment segments, such as forex trading, mutual funds, etc, fail to analyze the brokerage. Consequently, as the frequency of their trades and investments increase in number, they realize the threat posed by higher brokerage fees by their preferred trading application.

The Affect Of High & Low Brokerage Fees

Investing in stocks has been easier attributing to the advancement of technology and digitalization. However, with the convenience and services offered by these platforms, there are several charges and brokerage fees that are charged. The plain outlook that many investors and traders have is to disregard the charges of brokerage in front of the gains that they might receive. However, upon dwelling on the statements, they comprehend the differences in their profits on account of their brokerage fees. The pointers revolving around high and low brokerage fees are as follows.

  1. The Break-Even Point

Every trading online app offers several trading controls, such as stop loss, buying limit, target, etc. Professional and safe-playing traders prefer buying their investments through a set price based on their technical analysis and research. However, to their utter surprise post-buying, the buying price or the break-even point surges higher than their actual limit price. The former instance is a consequence of having higher brokerage fees which increase the break-even point for investors and traders, thereby eating away a part of their profit.

  1. Mutual Funds Discouragements

The yields generated from mutual funds investments depend highly on the brokerage charged on the investment capital. A high brokerage would reduce the overall returns derived by an investor after years of investment. Additionally, several small-time investors who perceive mutual funds as a safe option are discouraged from entering the domain due to higher brokerage fees. On the other hand, lower brokerage fees give a strong projection of returns to investors and only encourage them to invest their funds and acquire bigger yields.

  1. Diversification

Every investor desires to be a jack of all investment segments. Making a profit in one component becomes a ticket to try their hands on the other investment categories. However, with a low brokerage fee in different investment segments, individuals would be more inclined to invest and gain more returns.


The optimal solution is to compare trading platforms that offer little to no brokerage fees on equity and other widely-opted investment instruments. A lower brokerage would maximize your profit and stir the willingness to diversify your portfolio by funneling your capital into different segments.

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Step By Step Guide On How To Get An Personal Loan

Who hasn’t dreamt of going on an adventure to explore the world or plan out a beautiful destination wedding with your partner? However, sometimes we need financial assistance to make those dreams come true. That’s why a personal loan can be a great option to help you fulfill your dreams and achieve your goals.

One of the great things about a personal loan is that it comes with flexible repayment terms. This means you have an option to choose a repayment schedule that is best for you, whether you want to pay it off quickly or spread out the payments over a long period.

Unlike other types of loans, such as cash loan, which have collateral such as a car title, paycheck, etc., you usually don’t need to provide any security or collateral to be approved for a personal loan. This can make getting a loan much easier and less stressful, as you don’t need to worry about putting up any assets as collateral.

Following are the steps on how to get a personal loan:

  • Understanding your requirements: Before applying for a loan, it’s important to determine why you need it and how much you need. This will help you to choose the right loan amount and repayment terms that suit your needs. Depending on your requirements, you should select the loan amount, make an informed decision, and choose the right loan for your needs.
  • Check eligibility: Once you are clear about the purpose of your loan, you should check whether you are eligible for the loan. Once you narrow your eligibility, there are various personal loan app India has to get instant loans up to a specified amount.
  • Calculate installments: When taking out a personal loan, it’s important to calculate the monthly installment you’ll need to pay back. This will help you budget and plan your loan repayments in advance. The installment plan depends on the amount borrowed, the interest rate, and the repayment term. You can use various tools or apps to calculate the EMI and can get an estimate of your monthly installment. Apps such as NIRA and Pocketly can help you easily get such personal loans.
  • Discussion with Bank: Once you decide the purpose and the amount of the loan is better to discuss your option with your bank. This can help you better understand the terms and conditions of the loan, the interest rates, and the other fees associated with the loan. You can also clear all your doubts and get advice on which loan option would be best for you. Have an open discussion with your bank, and make an informed decision by choosing a personal loan that meets your requirements.
  • Attach the documents: When applying for a personal loan, you must provide certain documents to the bank to support your application. These documents typically include proof of identity, income, and address. You may also need to provide additional documents per the bank’s requirements. By attaching all the necessary documents, you can increase your chances of getting approved for a personal loan and receive the funds you need to achieve your financial goals.

Today there are various mobile applications such as mpokket or NIRA that provide such personal loans easily, and you can get such loans from anywhere. Before getting any loans, you read all the terms and conditions and plan your loan accordingly.

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